Peak Performance Mastery Series

How to Stay Motivated

·         Goals – You’ve GOT to have them.

o   Otherwise you are sunk from the very start.

o   Review them daily.

·         Keep moving, and moving FAST.

o   The faster you move, the more motivated you will be.

§  Motion creates emotion (per the Triad of Emotions)

o   Don’t give yourself time to get unmotivated.

o   If you’re not motivated, it’s because you’re NOT doing enough.

·         Get rid of white space on your calendar.

o   Fill your calendar UP.

o   Nothing is more demotivating than an empty calendar.

o   If you’re an entrepreneur, manager, sales person, etc., you have NO BUSINESS having holes in your calendar.

·         Stay away from the negatives.

o   TV, media, people, etc.

o   Their goal is to drag you down. So you stay on the couch, watching them so they can advertise to you. This makes THEIR goals come true, not yours.

·         Get connected and stay connected.

o   To your coach, your mentor, your team, other successful people, etc.

§  People who will hold you accountable to your own greatness.

o   Use DAILY training, learning, eBooks, audiobooks, podcasts, etc.

o   Get around people who are doing better than you are. They will demand you lift yourself up.

·         Complete … complete complete complete.

o   Failure to complete projects, tasks, sales, etc. is the #1 demotivating factor.

o   You MUST complete.

§  This give you drive, passion, and makes you want to complete MORE things.

o   It’s where the ‘juice’ and reward is in any activity. And in fact, in life itself.

o   The more you complete, the more you want to complete.

·         Get into action NOW.

o   The more you do, the more you WANT to do.

o   Action is the solution for motivation.

How to Stay Motivated – Handout.pdf

Aaron Brauch, Business Consultant & Coach
Helping Entrepreneurs Build Great Businesses & Live Outstanding Lives.
Contact me today to build the business and life of your dreams.

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