Empowering People to Build Great Businesses
And Enjoy Outstanding Lives.
Ban the Word ‘But’ from Your Vocabulary.
Get rid of the word ‘but’ from your vocabulary. It is what’s called a “negator.” Psychologically, it nullifies what came before it, significantly changing the emotional impact of the statement.
Turbo Charge Your Referrals – How to Get Your Ideal Clients to Send You More Ideal Clients
Referrals are by far the best source of new business. Especially when it is your ideal clients, sending you more ideal clients. To do this, you want to “teach your clients how to sell you.”
The Ultimate Power of Rapport – Extreme Matching and Mirroring
Rapport is the feeling of “connection” between people. “Rapport Skills” is the science of how this is done. How to improve and magnify it. And how to use it in your life and business. One technique, matching and mirroring, can be so powerful that one person begins to feel and KNOW what the other is thinking. For managers, sales people, and for use in your everyday life …. this is an invaluable skill to have and know.
Habits, Habits, Habits. The Key to Getting Everything You Ever Want.
Habits are to your life what business systems are to your business. They are automated processes that create specific known outcomes.
People’s habits determine their destinies.
The Kansas City 2015 Innovation Summit Today
Aaron will be one of the judges at the Kansas City 2015 Innovation Summit.
The Innovation Summit is designed to inspire entrepreneurs, individuals and educators to introduce new innovations by connecting people and organizations in the discovery of new ideas.
Marketing is Everything.
Marketing is the most critical function of any business. Marketing communicates to the market that your product or service solves people’s problems or fulfills their desires … the only things for which your business will be paid. Marketing brings in the money!
What is Your Ideal Client Experience? How to Create Raving Fans Every Time.
Think you are in the car, real estate, or insurance business? Think again. The primary product any business sells—the one most likely to be rejected or praised publically—is the experience of interacting with your company. It is your company’s “client experience.”
Rapport Skills – Speaking to People in Their Own Language.
Learning and practicing the art and science of deliberate Rapport building is one of the most powerful and useful skills for your life and business. It is also one of the highest forms of respect you can show for yourself and for other people.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Morning to Have Your Best Day Ever; Every DAY.
Imagine waking up every morning and within the first two minutes having an absolutely fantastic day. How would that positively impact the rest of your day, your business, your relationships, and your life? The key to having a great day is to start the day off “right” from the very beginning. You can, and here’s how.
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